My grandmother had a stroke...

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My grandmother had a stroke... Empty My grandmother had a stroke...

Post by AntROMhacker Sun 11 Dec 2016 - 7:42

......Well, i never thought i would see the day this happening to the best person in the world, my grandmother who is 88 ended up suffering a mini-stroke yesturday. on 12/9/16 she was first taken to the hospital because she had the flu, and her knee was hurting. she was released the same day. but on the very next day, she had to be brought back, in the morning she was basically dead weight, my father and mother carried her back to bed, i tried to help but they said "they got her". She was in and out of consciousness. At around 11:00 AM me and my father received classified information that she had suffered a mini-stroke and is not doing well. And it is around the worst time of the year for all this to happen to her. Thank you for reading.
Armos Knight
Armos Knight

Since : 2016-04-13

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My grandmother had a stroke... Empty Re: My grandmother had a stroke...

Post by SunGodPortal Sun 11 Dec 2016 - 15:19

Sorry to hear that, man. I'm lucky enough to still have one of my grandparents left at age 32 so I def know what you're going through here. If she's on her way out, all you can really do is let her know that you love her and how much she has meant to you over the years.

Word of advice: I can remember when my grandfather was in the hospital, dying of liver cancer. After it got bad enough to where he was so doped up that he was more or less losing his grip on reality I remember telling myself "I'd rather not see him like this. I'd rather remember him the way he was. There's plenty of family already at the hospital so at this point I'll just stop going". I wish I had thought about that a little harder (well, I was probably 17 at the time) because I regret that decision to this day. Any time was some time that I could have spent with him. Fast forward to now, I'll never have the opportunity to spend any time with him again. Even had he not been conscious, the family members around would be sharing memories that would reveal things about my grandfather that I never knew or had forgotten. Grandparents don't last forever and in some cases are kind of rare. Cherish what you got while you've still got it.

My grandmother had a stroke... Image213

Since : 2015-01-26

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My grandmother had a stroke... Empty Re: My grandmother had a stroke...

Post by AntROMhacker Sun 11 Dec 2016 - 15:31

You cant take things for grantid, because they wont be there forever.
Armos Knight
Armos Knight

Since : 2016-04-13

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My grandmother had a stroke... Empty Re: My grandmother had a stroke...

Post by antromhacker2 Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 14:25

UPDATE: almost three years later and shes doing great lol she's hanging in there for a women who is 91! I dont know what i would do without her in my life.

Since : 2019-10-11

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