Marvelous: Another Treasure Island

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Marvelous: Another Treasure Island Empty Marvelous: Another Treasure Island

Post by Erockbrox Tue 27 Jun 2017 - 17:45

So I was surfing the internet one day and randomly I found/heard of this game. The game is called, Marvelous: Another Treasure Island. I honestly had never heard of this game before. Apparently it was one of those Japanese exclusives that never made it's way to the USA. Anyway, what makes this game interesting to me is that apparently it uses the Zelda 3 engine as a foundation. Check it out.

It uses the SA-1 chip and you will have to find a patch to get it translated, but I'm really excited to check this out and play it.

Also I wonder if this game might help out in implementing the SA-1 chip for future Zelda 3 hacks.

Marvelous: Another Treasure Island Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Marvelous: Another Treasure Island Empty Re: Marvelous: Another Treasure Island

Post by Jeimuzu Wed 28 Jun 2017 - 20:30

This is truly a remarkable title. I played through it back in 2013 shortly after the beta translation was released, and I was blown away by how good it was.

Marvelous: Another Treasure Island Image213

Since : 2015-10-01

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Marvelous: Another Treasure Island Empty Re: Marvelous: Another Treasure Island

Post by Erockbrox Sat 23 Sep 2017 - 17:44

I just beat and finished Marvelous and oh boy this game is amazing. Probably one of the best snes games ive played. Can't believe that it never got a usa release and that i had never head of this until recently.

Marvelous: Another Treasure Island Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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