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Team Formation Empty Team Formation

Post by Petuuuhhh Wed 28 Mar 2018 - 13:43


I'm looking to form a team for a Link to the Past hack on the SNES. I have experience in:
-Mapping (much better at overworlds than dungeons)
-Hex editing
And I want to learn some ASM. So I'm mainly looking for someone who can map dungeons, and actually knows what to hex edit (I'm just good at editing, I wouldn't know what a particular byte means unless I'm told beforehand).

Right now I'm in the process of making all of the maps blank and clearing everything I can so I can have as blank of a base to start out with as possible. I don't have any idea of the story so far, but I want a hack that starts from as blank of a base as possible so that I can make the hack as different from the original as it can be.


Since : 2018-03-27

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Team Formation Empty Re: Team Formation

Post by Erockbrox Sat 31 Mar 2018 - 2:16

I love how nobody responded to this. lol

A full Zelda 3 rom hack is one of the hardest things you can probably do. Period.

It took the best Zelda 3 rom hackers years and years of backbreaking work to produce the Conker hack.

While I totally support anyone that wants to make their own hack, really its so much trouble that its hard to justify the work you will put into it unless you somehow have some overly obsessive passion that enables you to propel through all of the hardships that you will deal with while making your hack.

My best advice to anyone doing a Zelda 3 rom hack is to just do a short and easy hack with a small overworld and 1 or 2 dungeons. It doesn't have to be a full rewrite. Just do something short and sweet otherwise you are looking at years and years of backbreaking work.

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Since : 2013-02-05

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Team Formation Empty Re: Team Formation

Post by Petuuuhhh Sat 31 Mar 2018 - 11:54

That completely makes sense. Hyrule Magic's tilesets are hugely difficult to use for me with the tiles as far spaced apart as they are. If there are any other editors I can use for this, I would love to give them a try.

Thank you.


Since : 2018-03-27

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