3bpp exporter/importer

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3bpp exporter/importer Empty 3bpp exporter/importer

Post by zarby89 Mon 7 May 2018 - 22:18

Very Happy i forgot to post that small tool here, it a very small alternative to zcompress it still missing some feature but it works on US and JP 1.0 with a gui that is not very complicated to use, it still require the use of YY-CHR to edit the image data but i'll work on something to allow clipboard and .png import export that's also a tool for ZScream Razz

3bpp exporter/importer Unknown


3bpp exporter/importer Image111

Since : 2016-10-30

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3bpp exporter/importer Empty Re: 3bpp exporter/importer

Post by Nocturnesthesia Mon 14 May 2018 - 19:14

So it helps you figure out what address to insert the gfx files to? When inserting gfx with Zcompress you manually input the address 87200, but that no longer works once you mess with a rom in HM too much... so does this tool help to get around that?

It's always nice to have more Z3 tools Very Happy

Since : 2018-03-27

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3bpp exporter/importer Empty Re: 3bpp exporter/importer

Post by Puzzledude Tue 15 May 2018 - 9:52

When inserting gfx with Zcompress you manually input the address 87200, but that no longer works once you mess with a rom in HM too much
Not really. It always works if:
1.) rom is expanded to 2MB (note HM might shrink it).
2.) internal rom header name is THE LEGEND OF ZELDA
3.) rom has a file header of 200 bytes.

But nice to have this new tool, which is GUI instead of DOS and without the upper limits, since it is much more advanced in everything if compared to zcompress.

3bpp exporter/importer Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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3bpp exporter/importer Empty Re: 3bpp exporter/importer

Post by zarby89 Tue 15 May 2018 - 15:40

Well i am not certain how HM or Zcompress do it but i read the gfx pointers and not the gfx directly so it should always works if you check the address completly at the bottom left and you're on the Gfx index 0 selected it should be the starting address of the gfxs, the other number above is the size of the compressed gfx

this doesn't allow the modification of link's sprite there's much better tools that are doing that already for randomizer (working on US roms as well)

3bpp exporter/importer Image111

Since : 2016-10-30

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3bpp exporter/importer Empty Re: 3bpp exporter/importer

Post by P-Tux7 Sat 20 Apr 2019 - 18:03

Very great! I was able to edit the sprites of LTTPHack (which is based on JP 1.0) using this!


Since : 2018-11-12

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