ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

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ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Empty ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

Post by K4yr4h Mon 3 Sep 2018 - 17:52

Ok, i want to get the most updated version of the game running.

I think the redux ( version is already a great, but for whatever reasons disabled FastRom. Patching Fastrom on it, will cause graphic glitches. Its also impossible to get the ToT menu working on it, game wont start. ToT menu also doesnt work on the DX version.

I dont like that Aghanim and King are both red now, but I can hopefully fix that myself.

The L/R Button menu is only good at the beginning, later there are too many items, so Id prefer to not have it and maybe be able to put set items on LR? Like Bombs/Arrows?

Hardhat Beetle
Hardhat Beetle

Since : 2018-08-15

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ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Empty Re: ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

Post by Conn Tue 4 Sep 2018 - 6:18

The problem is that free space is limited in the original rom. When I created the all-in I took extremely care that all my codes are compatible, but this is a spin-off of patches you try to combine by several authors.
To make it work you'd need to re-address hooks to other locations of free-space which aren't used by two of the patches.

A good thing to start is to use
to see whether the patches are compatible.

If they aren't what I assume you need tools like a debugger (Geiger snes9x, bsnes debugger) and hex comparison to see where you need to re-address hooks.

Without a good basic assembler knowledge you won't get too far I guess unfortunately.

ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Empty Re: ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

Post by K4yr4h Tue 4 Sep 2018 - 10:03

is the author of the tot menu still around? since maybe he could adjust the patch himself to be more compatible? or at least release the sourcecode, since ips doesnt tell much.
Hardhat Beetle
Hardhat Beetle

Since : 2018-08-15

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ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Empty Re: ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

Post by K4yr4h Tue 4 Sep 2018 - 10:57

report of the ips checker 97% compatible, so there is hope Very Happy
Hardhat Beetle
Hardhat Beetle

Since : 2018-08-15

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ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Empty Re: ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

Post by Conn Tue 4 Sep 2018 - 17:42

I think you need to have somebody with good asm knowledge to collaborate with your project. Unfortunately, I am retired and after Conker pretty much burnt out on Zelda (even more than on msu Razz ).

Much luck! Spin

ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed? Empty Re: ToT Menu Patch/various hacks mixed?

Post by K4yr4h Tue 4 Sep 2018 - 17:56

for now im just messing with vanilla, but would like to extend it to a bigger hack. id like to expand hyrule legacy maybe and that one uses the tot menu as well. so it be great when we can somehow make it more compatible
Hardhat Beetle
Hardhat Beetle

Since : 2018-08-15

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