SNES aspect ratio

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SNES aspect ratio Empty SNES aspect ratio

Post by Erockbrox Sun 22 Dec 2019 - 1:05

Here is an interesting video talking about the aspect ratios of the SNES apparently there is 4:3 which was used on crt monitors, but also an 8:7 which is the raw data that you see in emulators.


SNES aspect ratio Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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SNES aspect ratio Empty Re: SNES aspect ratio

Post by qwertymodo Sun 22 Dec 2019 - 3:26

The simple version is that 4:3 refers to the screen aspect ratio, and 8:7 is the pixel aspect ratio, meaning that you have to stretch each individual pixel into a slightly non-square size in order to get the correct screen ratio.  The problem comes when people start getting the two mixed up and thinking that they should be using an 8:7 screen ratio, or when they talk about 1:1 "square pixels" and think that means the entire screen ratio should be 1:1 *side-eye glance at Analogue...*

SNES aspect ratio Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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