Changing the item you get from the 3 pendants pedestral...
Zeldix :: Zelda III Hacking :: Requests
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Changing the item you get from the 3 pendants pedestral...
Is it possible? For example I'd like that the flute (magic harp) be the item you collect on the pedestral once you have three pendants (triforce pieces).
It would be easy to edit it's graphics into the flute but I have no idea how to change the resulting item you can get.
All the info we have regarding the Master Sword sprite are as following:
And from MathOnNapkins banks:
It would be easy to edit it's graphics into the flute but I have no idea how to change the resulting item you can get.
All the info we have regarding the Master Sword sprite are as following:
And from MathOnNapkins banks:
- Code:
; ==============================================================================
; *$288C5-$288D5 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0E80, X
JSL UseImplicitRegIndexedLocalJumpTable
dw MasterSword_Main
dw Sprite_MasterLightFountain
dw Sprite_MasterLightBeam
dw Sprite_MasterSwordPendant
dw Sprite_MasterLightWell
; ==============================================================================
; *$288D6-$28907 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $10 : CMP.b #$1A : BEQ .in_end_sequence
LDA $7EF280, X : PLX : AND.b #$40 : BEQ .hasnt_been_taken
JMP MasterSword_Terminate
LDA $0D80, X : CMP.b #$05 : BEQ .skip_routine
JSR MasterSword_Draw
LDA $0D80, X
JSL UseImplicitRegIndexedLocalJumpTable
dw MasterSword_ReadyAndWaiting
dw MasterSword_PendantsInTransit
dw MasterSword_CrankUpLightShow
dw MasterSword_LightShowIsCrunk
dw MasterSword_GrantToPlayer
dw MasterSword_Terminate
; ==============================================================================
; *$28908-$2894C JUMP LOCATION
; (Player in unusual pose => fail)
JSL Sprite_CheckIfPlayerPreoccupied : BCS .cant_pull
; (Not in contact with the sprite => fail)
JSL Sprite_CheckDamageToPlayerSameLayerLong : BCC .cant_pull
LDA $2F : CMP.b #$02 : BNE .cant_pull
; (The 'A' button hasn't been pressed => fail)
LDA $F6 : BPL .cant_pull
; (Don't have three pendants => fail)
LDA $7EF374 : AND.b #$07 : CMP.b #$07 : BNE .cant_pull
; play "retrieving the master sword" music
LDA.b #$0A : STA $012C
LDA.b #$01 : STA $037B
; Spawn each of the pendant helper sprites
LDA.b #$09 : JSR MasterSword_SpawnPendant
LDA.b #$0B : JSR MasterSword_SpawnPendant
LDA.b #$0F : JSR MasterSword_SpawnPendant
JSR MasterSword_SpawnLightWell
INC $0D80, X
LDA.b #$F0 : STA $0DF0, X
; ==============================================================================
; *$2894D-$28967 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait
JSR MasterSword_SpawnLightFountain
INC $0D80, X
LDA.b #$C0 : STA $0DF0, X
; Special pose for Link?
LDA.b #$0A : STA $0377
; Link can't move...
LDA.b #$01 : STA $02E4
; ==============================================================================
; *$28968-$2899C JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait
LDY.b #$FF : JSR MasterSword_SpawnLightBeams
INC $0D80, X
LDA.b #$08 : STA $0DF0, X
LDA.b #$0A
BRA .immobilize_player
; *$2897E-$2899C JUMP LOCATION
shared MasterSword_LightShowIsCrunk:
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait_2
LDA.b #$01
LDY.b #$FF
JSR MasterSword_SpawnLightBeams
INC $0D80, X
LDA.b #$10 : STA $0DF0, X
LDA.b #$0B
STA $0377
; Link can't move...
LDA.b #$01 : STA $02E4
; ==============================================================================
; *$2899D-$289C5 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait
; Make it so the Master Sword won't show up again here.
LDA $7EF280, X : ORA.b #$40 : STA $7EF280, X
LDY.b #$01
STZ $02E9
JSL Link_ReceiveItem
; Change Overworld map icon set
LDA.b #$05 : STA $7EF3C7
; Disable this shit, whatever it was (probably player oam related).
STZ $0377
INC $0D80, X
; ==============================================================================
; *$289C6-$289C9 JUMP LOCATION
STZ $0DD0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $289CA-$289DB DATA
pool Sprite_MasterLightFountain:
db $00, $01, $01, $02, $02, $02, $01, $01, $00
db $00, $00, $01, $01, $02, $02, $00, $00, $00
; ==============================================================================
; *$289DC-$28A15 JUMP LOCATION
JSR MasterSword_DrawLightBall
INC $0D90, X : LDA $0D90, X : BNE .alpha
INC $0DB0, X
STZ $0DD0, X
LSR #2 : AND.b #$03 : STA $0DE0, X
LDA $0D90, X : LSR #5 : AND.b #$07 : TAY
LDA .animation_states, Y : STA $0DC0, X
LDA .unknown, Y : BEQ .beta
LDA $0D90, X : LSR #2 : AND.b #$01
JSR MasterSword_SpawnLightBeams
; ==============================================================================
; *$28A16-$28A33 JUMP LOCATION
JSR MasterSword_DrawLightBall
INC $0D90, X : LDA $0D90, X : BNE .alpha
INC $0DB0, X
STZ $0DD0, X
LSR #2 : AND.b #$03 : STA $0DE0, X
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0DC0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $28A34-$28A93 DATA
pool MasterSword_DrawLightBall:
dw -6, 4 : db $82, $00, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $82, $40, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $82, $C0, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $82, $80, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $A0, $00, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $A0, $40, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $A0, $C0, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $A0, $80, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $80, $00, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $80, $40, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $80, $C0, $00, $02
dw -6, 4 : db $80, $80, $00, $02
; ==============================================================================
; *$28A94-$28AB5 LOCAL
; Generic routine that can draw either the light fountain (bigger)
; or the light well (smaller). Technically the light well and fountain
; could have been merged into the same sprite, I'm fairly certain of
; this.
LDA.b #$04 : JSL OAM_AllocateFromRegionC
LDA $0DC0, X : ASL #2 : ADC $0DE0, X : ASL #3
ADC.b #((.animation_states >> 0) & $FF) : STA $08
LDA.b #((.animation_states >> 8) & $FF) : ADC.b #$00 : STA $09
LDA.b #$01
shared Sprite_DrawMultipleRedundantCall:
; The point of the name I chose for this routine is that there's
; really no reason why client code couldn't just call
; Sprite_DrawMultiple directly, so this is just a waste of cpu time.
JSL Sprite_DrawMultiple
; ==============================================================================
; *$28AB6-$28ACF LOCAL
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically
JSL Sprite_SetSpawnedCoords
LDA.b #$04 : STA $0E80, Y
LDA.b #$05 : STA $0F50, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
; ==============================================================================
; *$28AD0-$28AE9 LOCAL
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically
JSL Sprite_SetSpawnedCoords
LDA.b #$01 : STA $0E80, Y
LDA.b #$05 : STA $0F50, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
; ==============================================================================
JSL Sprite_PrepAndDrawSingleLargeLong
LDA $0D90, X : BEQ .alpha
JSR Sprite2_Move
LDA $1A : AND.b #$03 : BNE .beta
JSR MasterLightBeam_SpawnAnotherBeam
DEC $0DA0, X : BNE .beta
STZ $0DD0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $28B08-$28B1F DATA
pool MasterSword_SpawnLightBeams:
db $00, $D0
db $00, $30
db $A0, $D0
db $60, $30
db $A0, $D0
db $60, $30
db $00, $30
db $00, $D0
db $01, $00
db $03, $02
db $05, $45
db $05, $05
; ==============================================================================
; *$28B20-$28B61 LOCAL
; Not sure if the name is 100% accurate, but I can always change it
; later.
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BMI .alpha
LDA $00 : ADD.b #$00 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $01 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $02 : ADD.b #$00 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $03 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0E80, Y
LDA.b #$03 : STA $0DA0, Y
LDA $0DC0, X : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA $0F50, X : STA $0F50, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
; ==============================================================================
; *$28B62-$28CD2 LOCAL
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BPL .success_1
JMP .spawn_failed
LDA $00 : SUB.b #$04 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $01 : SBC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $02 : ADD.b #$04 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $03 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0E80, Y : STA $0D90, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
LDA .x_speeds_1, X : STA $0D50, Y
LDA .y_speeds_1, X : STA $0D40, Y
LDA .animation_states_1, X : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA .oam_properties_1, X : STA $0F50, Y
STA $00
PLA : STA $0DA0, Y : PHA
LDA $00 : PHA
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BPL .success_2
JMP .spawn_failed
LDA $00 : SUB.b #$04 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $01 : SBC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $02 : ADD.b #$04 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $03 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0E80, Y : STA $0D90, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
LDA .x_speeds_2, X : STA $0D50, Y
LDA .y_speeds_2, X : STA $0D40, Y
LDA .animation_states_1, X : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA .oam_properties_1, X : STA $0F50, Y
STA $00
PLA : STA $0DA0, Y : PHA
LDA $00 : PHA
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BPL .success_3
JMP .spawn_failed
LDA $00 : SUB.b #$04 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $01 : SBC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $02 : ADD.b #$04 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $03 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0E80, Y : STA $0D90, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
LDA .x_speeds_3, X : STA $0D50, Y
LDA .y_speeds_3, X : STA $0D40, Y
LDA .animation_states_2, X : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA .oam_properties_2, X : STA $0F50, Y
STA $00
PLA : STA $0DA0, Y
LDA $00 : PHA
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BMI .spawn_failed
LDA $00 : SUB.b #$04 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $01 : SBC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $02 : ADD.b #$04 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $03 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0E80, Y : STA $0D90, Y
LDA.b #$00 : STA $0E40, Y
LDA .x_speeds_4, X : STA $0D50, Y
LDA .y_speeds_4, X : STA $0D40, Y
LDA .animation_states_2, X : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA .oam_properties_2, X : STA $0F50, Y
PLA : STA $0DA0, Y
; ==============================================================================
; *$28CD3-$28D28 LOCAL
; Master Sword and beams of light ceremony
LDA.b #$62
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically
PLA : STA $0F50, Y
LDA $22 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $23 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $20 : ADD.b #$08 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $21 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$04 : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA.b #$03 : STA $0E80, Y
LDA.b #$40 : STA $0E40, Y
LDA.b #$E4 : STA $0DF0, Y
LDA $0F50, Y : LSR A : AND.b #$03 : TAX
LDA .x_speeds, X : STA $0D50, Y
LDA .y_speeds, X : STA $0D40, Y
db $FC, $04, $00, $00
db $FE, $FE, $FC, $FC
; ==============================================================================
; *$28D29-$28D3F JUMP LOCATION
LDA.b #$04 : JSL OAM_AllocateFromRegionB
JSL Sprite_PrepAndDrawSingleLargeLong
LDA $0D80, X
JSL UseImplicitRegIndexedLocalJumpTable
dw MasterSwordPendant_DriftingAway
dw MasterSwordPendant_Flashing
dw MasterSwordPendant_FlyAway
; ==============================================================================
; *$28D40-$28D56 JUMP LOCATION
JSR Sprite2_Move
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait
INC $0D80, X
LDA.b #$D0 : STA $0DF0, X
LDA $0F50, X : STA $0D90, X
; ==============================================================================
; *$28D57-$28D79 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0F50, X : AND.b #$F1 : STA $0F50, X
TXA : ASL A : EOR $1A : AND.b #$0E : ORA $0F50, X : STA $0F50, X
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait
INC $0D80, X
; Restore original palette color (blue, green, or red).
LDA $0D90, X : STA $0F50, X
; ==============================================================================
; *$28D7A-$28D95 JUMP LOCATION
; This one gives me the impression of being poorly put together.
; I could be wrong, but I don't think it works as intended. Will
; will have to observe this in real time.
JSR Sprite2_Move
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .wait
; double X and Y speed.... but not quite? (negative speeds would be...
; reversed)
ASL $0D50, X
ASL $0D40, X
LDA.b #$06 : STA $0DF0, X
INC $0E90, X : BNE .beta
STZ $0DD0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $28D96-$28DA7 DATA
pool MasterSword_Draw:
db -8, 0, -8, 0, -8, 0
db -8, -8, 0, 0, 8, 8
db $C3, $C4, $D3, $D4, $E0, $F0
; ==============================================================================
; *$28DA8-$28DD7 LOCAL
JSR Sprite2_PrepOamCoord
LDX.b #$05
LDA $00 : ADD .x_offsets, X : STA ($90), Y
LDA $02 : ADD .y_offsets, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA .chr, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA $05 : STA ($90), Y
DEX : BPL .alpha
LDY.b #$00
LDA.b #$05
JSL Sprite_CorrectOamEntriesLong
; ==============================================================================
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: Changing the item you get from the 3 pendants pedestral...
quite easy:
change at
02/89b0: 01 -> 14 (to receive and hold up the flute)
04/8594: 02 -> 03 (02 already is the flute, but only with 03 you can call the bird (activated). In case you have the weathervane leave it 02)
I tested it: it also works if you already have the master sword in inventory (cheated to simulate this), and it doesn't give problems if you use my code to have it in chest without freeze (04/87ca: d0 -> 80 ) as far I've seen (this only gives problems if you'd still have the Master Sword at the pedestral, then the item won't show up holding up).
If possible, please do all latest adjustments (feather, digable ground, water block, srm modifier, etc.) and send me the rom when you're done with everything, so I can also take a look over all the latest asm adjustements to work properly (you can also test in advance whether the slippery tiles with icerod and the special treasure heart piece dig up works).
Send me also a to-do list then (like I can fix wiiq's code at this occasion)
change at
02/89b0: 01 -> 14 (to receive and hold up the flute)
04/8594: 02 -> 03 (02 already is the flute, but only with 03 you can call the bird (activated). In case you have the weathervane leave it 02)
I tested it: it also works if you already have the master sword in inventory (cheated to simulate this), and it doesn't give problems if you use my code to have it in chest without freeze (04/87ca: d0 -> 80 ) as far I've seen (this only gives problems if you'd still have the Master Sword at the pedestral, then the item won't show up holding up).
If possible, please do all latest adjustments (feather, digable ground, water block, srm modifier, etc.) and send me the rom when you're done with everything, so I can also take a look over all the latest asm adjustements to work properly (you can also test in advance whether the slippery tiles with icerod and the special treasure heart piece dig up works).
Send me also a to-do list then (like I can fix wiiq's code at this occasion)
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Changing the item you get from the 3 pendants pedestral...
Thanks this will be perfect! I'll be able to have the flute at a pedestral somewhere and the master sword inside a chest! On my to do list all that remains is to do is add random heart container pieces.. aside that everything is complete aside the icerod ice palette which isn't right (black instead of white).
I've tried applying wiiqwertyuiop's patch but it overwrote other game elements I suppose and didn't worked right.
I haven't improved the space helmet yet as I'll need to edit the palette first and add that shade of purple for the helmet. And then change all the thirty or so positions
I've tried applying wiiqwertyuiop's patch but it overwrote other game elements I suppose and didn't worked right.
I haven't improved the space helmet yet as I'll need to edit the palette first and add that shade of purple for the helmet. And then change all the thirty or so positions
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: Changing the item you get from the 3 pendants pedestral...
First: important update
Somebody at the bszelda forum found out that there's a bug with the pegasus direction hack. During overworld/indoors transition (e.g. leaving a house) when you were using the boots, the sprite was going crazy in vertical postion. I fixed this, so now Link will stop during overworld/indoor transition (but of course keeps running during overworld transitions and indoors transitions).
Everyone who already applied this patch (also PU, SePH), please redownload
and apply the patch. This new code will automatically overwrite the corrupt code with the healthy one and everything is fine.
Nice news, SePH
I'm just curious: is the ice slippery you create with the icerod? Which random treasures did you choose to dig up (you can also make 2 green rupees and so)? Did you try whether the heart piece work yet?
That seems to be only little stuff left to do. I can wait until you're completely done or you can send me the current stage of the rom and try to tinker with the asm (is this the only thing you need me for?) and I'll try my best to get it work... deal?
I need some information like the location of the new gfx you want to have in the title, and what you think what makes the code troublesome, like vram destination and that.
Somebody at the bszelda forum found out that there's a bug with the pegasus direction hack. During overworld/indoors transition (e.g. leaving a house) when you were using the boots, the sprite was going crazy in vertical postion. I fixed this, so now Link will stop during overworld/indoor transition (but of course keeps running during overworld transitions and indoors transitions).
Everyone who already applied this patch (also PU, SePH), please redownload
and apply the patch. This new code will automatically overwrite the corrupt code with the healthy one and everything is fine.
Nice news, SePH
I'm just curious: is the ice slippery you create with the icerod? Which random treasures did you choose to dig up (you can also make 2 green rupees and so)? Did you try whether the heart piece work yet?
That seems to be only little stuff left to do. I can wait until you're completely done or you can send me the current stage of the rom and try to tinker with the asm (is this the only thing you need me for?) and I'll try my best to get it work... deal?
I need some information like the location of the new gfx you want to have in the title, and what you think what makes the code troublesome, like vram destination and that.
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
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