Request to learn ASM

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Request to learn ASM Empty Request to learn ASM

Post by Erockbrox Yesterday at 21:06

I've been trying to learn ASM for years. Need help. I know some op codes but not enough to make complex stuff.

I someone to sit down with me for a while and actually teach me so that I can understand SNES ASM.


Request to learn ASM Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Request to learn ASM Empty Re: Request to learn ASM

Post by Cubear Today at 0:28

this here is the best resource for SNES ASM that i think i've seen

i'd also recommend the MESEN emulator, it has a world-class debugger that also will refresh you on specific opcodes etc on mouseover.

ASM is like telling a machine what to do in very simple clear and SMALL amounts.

telling it to pick something up at one location, look at what it has picked up and put it in a specific location based upon what it is looks like

lda $address (LoaD A with information from the address)
cmp #$XX (CoMPare "A" to the number "XX")
BCS label (Branch if Carry Set (Carry is a processor bit, don't worry too hard. the Carry is Set if the compare finds that what you have loaded is Equal or Greater Than the number you are comparing to. this will move the processor to "label" from where it is, skipping any code in between.)

if less than do the thing in here.


if greater than do the thing in here.

it might take a bit more explaining than this, but don't hesitate to ask more questions or contact me directly.

Request to learn ASM Image211

Since : 2021-11-17

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Request to learn ASM Empty Re: Request to learn ASM

Post by Cubear Today at 1:45

it's really about as complicated as you make it...

the challenge is in telling the computer to do something complicated with only very simple instructions

Request to learn ASM Image211

Since : 2021-11-17

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