I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Conn Wed 13 Apr 2016 - 18:22

As many of you guys may know, my heartblood isn't so much on ALTTP as it is on BS Zelda. All my hack expierence is based on these BS-X games. The hacking work is finished and the final project is to add voice acting to re-create the original gameplay via MSU-1.

We have:
- Voice actings (thanks to all lending their voices: Erock, Smash, Kira, Daniel, Onay...)
- music backbone (thanks to Scratcher)
- the hack (thanks to... myself Razz )

We should get finished with all weeks of BS Zelda1 in the coming week... Colines did the merging progress and we just wait for one sentence from Erock, then Smash will complete this task. To get an idea what I am talking about, watch this video of already released week1:

Colines needed for the merging part of the upcoming releases of week 3 and 4 nearly 5 months! The reason is that he is busy with real life and I do not want to hand over the burden to him of doing the AST progression as well Sad

So I ~desperately~ looking for a music artist he should
- be highly motivated
- have great skills (I think with audiacity)

What is required is merging the voice acts with the background music, this could involve filtering of the samples we have from background rustlings, maybe add echoes (fortune teller and Ganon), lower the background music and merge it with the voice... maybe also the video needs to be remade.

A short warning, this project involves much teamwork with Smash, Colines and me. So motivation, stress-tolerance and skills are really needed...

I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by qwertymodo Wed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:41

You might try asking at ocremix.org, they have a ton of great talent in that area.

I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Conn Thu 14 Apr 2016 - 7:29

Alright, thanks for the hint. I will post there in a couple of days when it crystallizes what exactly we need and how the progression of bszelda1 turns out. Only final adjustments here is needed with the help of Erock and Smash...

Though, if anybody on this forum reads this; any application is welcome of course Wink

I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Mr.x Thu 14 Apr 2016 - 23:51

I could do this!

A short warning, this project involves much teamwork with Smash, Colines and me. So motivation, stress-tolerance and skills are really needed...

oh, nevermind... I'm busy at the moment and have no idea why I am even online... I did make a new music track for a hack that starts with a 'c' that repaces a track you hate.

To be honest, audacity is really easy to use and learn. Like really easy. I would volunteer as long as it's a quick and easy job but it sounds like it's not due to group cooperation.


Since : 2014-04-10

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Conn Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 7:16

Thank you for your interest Smile

I cannot tell much about the difficulties, but I can tell for myself that this project was frustrating until now. The main difficulty is that we need high accuracy in terms of being as close to original as possible, which unfortunately involves pedantism sometimes. I have the bad job of managing the project, and my main job is to pester people. I pestered Erock, RetroDan, Colines and Onay neverending to do the voice records and the merging. I have no energy anymore for this, so I really need high-motivated people who really !want! this project done themselves.

Here are the voice acting raw files:

Here are the backbone music files by Scratcher:
You need only the 10 AST files. I do not know about the thunderclap, Smash? is this AST or bszelda? The last zelda voice is in the voice acts as well

The voice acts and the backbone music must be merged accurately to the original videos:

There are some issues with the video files from the raw backbone, they must be elongated by some seconds.
Smash will know exactly what needs to be done here but he's right now busy with bszelda release. With some luck, Colines? will take care of this, as he already started

The main task in case you really want to volunteer would be:
- checking the voice acts if filtering is required in low quality records (background rustlings and such)
- add some decent echoes to Fortune teller (onay) so that he sounds more mysterious. Onay already gave a version with echoes in his samples, so maybe we can use them... Smash?
- equalizing the volume levels of the backbones and the voice acts, so everything has the same level
- merging the voice acts with the backbone music, the backbone music must be lowered in volume whenever a person speaks
- make a flac out of it.

I point Smash and Colines to this topic, so maybe they can tell more Smile

I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Mr.x Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 13:13

Right now, I don't have the time to pay attention to details. But in a three week if you still need help, contact me. Smile


Since : 2014-04-10

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Conn Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 14:01

Will do, thank you Very Happy

I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by qwertymodo Mon 18 Apr 2016 - 20:28

Trovsky wrote:To be honest, audacity is really easy to use and learn. Like really easy. I would volunteer as long as it's a quick and easy job but it sounds like it's not due to group cooperation.

If you need something more powerful than Audacity, Cockos REAPER is a full-fledged DAW with a WinRAR-style nagscreen freeware license.

I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1 Empty Re: I'm in need of a music artist for AST MSU1

Post by Mr.x Thu 5 May 2016 - 0:33

Are you syill in needo of help?


Since : 2014-04-10

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