Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware)

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Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware) Empty Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware)

Post by Erockbrox Thu 21 Jul 2016 - 0:14

I have clicked on some message forum posts recently and then instead of going to the actual thread it automatically links my web browser to some other site and then my norton says "blocked attack". Did this happen to anyone else? What is causing this?

Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware) Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware) Empty Re: Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware)

Post by Conn Thu 21 Jul 2016 - 5:48

Most probably you catched a hijacker virus. some virus check might help.

Links at zeldix takes me to other sites (malware) Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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