(Glitched?) Endings

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Sawsage Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 4:04

When I try to view any given ending, the game freaks out a bit and then soft locks. Not sure what to do about that...


Since : 2017-12-12

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Conn Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 4:36

Your infos are a bit thin, can you give it more detailed? Emulator used, msu on, cheated... when does it appear, e.g. after you defeated Ganon and entered door.
If played on emu, a savestate would help a lot.
Endings weren't touched at all, so I wonder what the bugs may caused

(Glitched?) Endings Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Puzzledude Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 6:43

Endings weren't touched at all
Indeed. From the topic info I can see that the OP was using version 1.2.6 and with MSU on. I'm also assuming he used cheats, since he wanted to "see all the endings". This of course can cause bugs, since you can not cheat out "bat cave opened" without consequences. If this is not the case, than no idea what's happening due to lack of info.

These endings always worked for me on all versions, but indeed I always 100 percented the game and always got that one ending.

(Glitched?) Endings Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Conn Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 8:56

I briefly checked 1.2.7b (no difference to 1.2.6) with msu1 on and all endings with cheats; everything worked. So I guess if I do not get a savestate (or at least srm), there's little I can do.

Did you cheat with some weird stuff or applied any additional asm?

(Glitched?) Endings Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Puzzledude Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 12:38

with msu1 on and all endings with cheats; everything worked
Good to know. I've never done this since like said I always had one ending and it always worked.


(Glitched?) Endings Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Sawsage Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 14:56

I did make use of savestates in lieu of actual saving, mainly at the beginning of dungeons. The main savestate I used to access the endings was made just before completing tardis, with 19 rings. I did not use any cheat codes.'

Also, I noticed that it's possible to get the green mail multiple times, since bowser respawns. Does that affect anything?


Since : 2017-12-12

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Puzzledude Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 15:42

I did make use of savestates in lieu of actual saving, mainly at the beginning of dungeons. The main savestate I used to access the endings was made just before completing tardis, with 19 rings. I did not use any cheat codes.'
Indeed then your problem is a mistery, since if no cheats were used and you used only savestates, then this does not affect the game at all and the ending should be working. So no idea why you experienced this.

Also, I noticed that it's possible to get the green mail multiple times, since bowser respawns. Does that affect anything?
No, it will go to NOP (no operation) automatically.

(Glitched?) Endings Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Conn Tue 12 Dec 2017 - 17:42

I can only repeat my questions:
Which emulator did you use?

Can you zip and attach your savestate and or srm?
Then I have a chance to trace it

(Glitched?) Endings Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Sawsage Sat 16 Dec 2017 - 15:38

Oh, snes9x MSU. Thought that was the only one.

Though I would certainly welcome a ZSNES MSU version...

I can't attach a savestate atm but I can provide more info.

Ending 2 works fine.
Ending 3 glitches out in the middle.
Ending 4 and 5 play some random gibberish of sounds.
Unsure about Ending 1.

I'm also unable to utilize the track player in Conn's Briefcase, yet I can hear the MSU tracks just fine.

Perhaps my emulator is glitchy?


Since : 2017-12-12

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Conn Sat 16 Dec 2017 - 21:28

ok, I cannot confirm the ending glitches... what I can confirm is that track player in (my) Conn's Briefcase. That took me a while to trace it down:

Here's Euclid's code:


LDA $7EF406
So, this means that the track player is only utilize-able if:
- you are in hard mode!
- you have seen at least one ending (beaten the game once) - that is since you can hear the ending msu with the player as well (at least this is what I assume why Euclid coded it this way)

Cheat with:
7EF32E-00 (to be in hard mode)
7ef406-00 (to make the game think you already have beaten it once) - then the player should work.

If you listen to the ending tracks in the player you can check whether they're buggy here as well.
Without savestates I cannot do anything here. Maybe other people can briefly check whether the endings bug?

(Glitched?) Endings Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Sawsage Wed 20 Dec 2017 - 0:42

Turns out it was an emulator issue. The one I was using was pretty outdated. The endings work for me now, but I feel kind of silly. Ah well.

Goode romhack overall!
Kind of want to attempt my own. Except some of my ideas would cause massive slowdown issues. Plus, I don't know anything about romhacking.


Since : 2017-12-12

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(Glitched?) Endings Empty Re: (Glitched?) Endings

Post by Conn Wed 20 Dec 2017 - 5:56

Nice that it is solved eventually Very Happy

(Glitched?) Endings Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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