MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by shinji257 Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 1:34

I'm been struggling here but does anyone know how to get MSU-1 working on BizHawk?  Supposedly it works but I can't figure out how to do so.  This would be for Link to the Past.  I've tried both xml and bml files.  Both named as just manifest.(xml/bml) and named the same as the game itself.


Since : 2019-10-11

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by pev Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 7:30

@shinj257 The statement in the image below (taken from the Bizhawk home site):

MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk 2019-110

...makes me assume that you open the XML file directly and not the patched MSU-1 rom itself. If this works for some games but not others, then I would suspect an incorrect XML file for that game. I assume you have both patched ROM/XML/PCMs in the same folder for the game you want to use?


MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by shinji257 Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 9:45

Yes but the XML throws an error when I tried that. I'm using the XML provided here and I don't know what the formatting is supposed to be in order to try and even correct it.


Since : 2019-10-11

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by pev Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 12:32

@shinji257 I see what you mean. Only work around I found, hopefully, allows you to use the Bizhawk TAS tools is:

#1 Go to File->Open Advanced
#2 Select Current Core (copy, for example Snes9x RetroArch Core to Bizmark's core folder or point to its location elsewhere) -> I used the Snes9x core from RetroArch, in my case, and it worked.
#3 Click on Launch Game (select your already patched MSU-1 game, the SFC not XML).
#4 The game will load with MSU-1 working.

I hope this gets you by until someone else can clarify the correct XML format for this specific emulator (or perhaps configuration pre-requisites?). The XML file provided in ALTTP here works fine under older versions of bSnes/Higan. Not sure what could have been altered in Bizhawk's case.


MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by shinji257 Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 13:32

I'm not even trying to use it for TAS. I'm trying to play A Link to the Past randomizer w/ MSU-1 support and linking with EmoTracker. I'd use snes9x-rr which does work but the audio crackles all the time and even the ones with the lowered audio does it (although admittedly it isn't as bad). From the change log the Super Road Blaster set on here is supposed to work but it also crashes on the newer versions. So I went from XML errors being thrown to just flat out crashes once the format was updated.


Since : 2019-10-11

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by pev Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 14:28

shinji257 wrote:I'm not even trying to use it for TAS...
@shinji257 Do not take offense, I meant none. My assumed statement was in part due to Bishawk, since it is used for this purpose (TAS and speed runners). I was not aware that this emulator was needed for those randomizer type ROMs. Oh, well, I learn something new everyday. Smile

You can use other Libretro cores that do not exhibit the "audio" crackle but are more hardware demanding (like bsnes or higan cores respectively).


MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by shinji257 Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 14:38

No offense taken.  Current setup that I would like to use is bizhawk w/ bsnes core but just can't get it to work.

Basically I just need an emulator that can do both MSU-1 with good quality (so bsnes-based preferred) and has LUA support for the tracker.  It isn't the rom that needs the support but rather the tracker if you want it to automatically track your progress for you.

EDIT: I'll likely just stick with snes9x-rr and continue to try and figure out the static or give it up entirely.


Since : 2019-10-11

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by pev Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 14:50

@shinji257 I understand now. At this point there is not much I can do to assist you. This issue is beyond my expertise. I do hope someone here (or elsewhere) can assist you further with this issue. Much luck.


MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk Empty Re: MSU1 on BizHawk/EmuHawk

Post by miketrethewey Mon 28 Dec 2020 - 3:19

Get latest Snes9x libretro Library for Windows from repository (x64 worked for me)
Extract to BizHawk\Libretro\cores\

  • File -> Open Advanced
  • Browse for Libretro Core
  • Launch Game
  • Browse for game file
  • Enjoy

BizHawk VersionCoreMSUEmoTracker
2.5.2Libretro Snes9x 1.60X
2.4.2Libretro Snes9x 1.60X
2.3.1Libretro Snes9x 1.60X

Snes9x VersionMSUEmoTracker


Since : 2017-09-05

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