Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 12:46

Flickering is more or less non existant here now ^^ I will continue my game with that patch and will check for errors too.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 12:49

Started a new playthrough with the newest fix. I just exited Sanctuary, and so far, I haven't heard a single 'pop' or music errata.

Ganon music confirmed fixed.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 12:50

Great, please also test the spc fallback with random tracks...

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 12:59

Will do. Just beat the East Palace. Music is still great. Will test .spc fallback and report back.

EDIT: Tested .spc fallback. Seems to work flawlessly with one exception:

When Track 01 (Triforce + Intro) is played by the .spc, pressing a button to enter the Game Select screen does not stop Track 01's playback, even on the Game Select screen. This causes the Game Select music to fail to load, AND at least with the Dark World Overworld music, causes the .spc to play ALONGSIDE the .pcm version until you enter an interior and re-exit it.

This can probably be fixed by making sure a button press during Track 01's .spc kills the .spc immediately.

Last edited by TheRetromancer on Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 13:08; edited 1 time in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 13:03

Just fought against blind and after fetching the jewel there came a short fanfare I cant say where it should be instead of the normal melody. WHo can confirm?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 13:11

emuandco wrote:Just fought against blind and after fetching the jewel there came a short fanfare I cant say where it should be instead of the normal melody. WHo can confirm?

Is it this one?


Because that's track 19, and it SHOULD play track 26.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 13:17

Yes, that one was it ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 13:18

This is interesting. It seems that the most recent patch has 'juggled' some of the music around. Still an improvement, though - we'll just nail down the little bits as they pop up.

EDIT: Okay, I have a handle on the .spc and .pcm playing simultaneously glitch.

When MSU-1 functionality is enabled and you move from an area that loads the .spc as a fallback (like to a non-existent or misnamed .pcm) TO an area that successfully loads the .pcm, the .spc that WOULD load as a fallback loads in the brief instant before the .pcm file loads. This causes both the .spc and the .pcm to load and play, although it seems that the game 'realizes' the problem and stops playing the .spc version in less than two seconds.

EDIT 2: Okay, I've just found another bug. Entering the warp tile on Death Mountain (before you have the Moon Pearl) causes the 'Bunny' music to NOT play. In addition, warping back to the Light World at that time does not cause the 'Warp' SFX to play, AS WELL AS preventing the Light World Overworld music from playing. Entering and re-exiting an interior location fixes this.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 14:33

- I fixed the spc bug at least I think (not sure whether it works or has side effects)
- I set the fade-out time longer. Somehow the new code made it rather rapid. See whether it fits.

Emuandco, I cannot confirm the blind bug. Maybe a similar glitch with your System as with the master sword? Need to wait until TRetromancer catches up.

edit: I see what the issue is with the bunny.
Guys I'm getting really nerved here. Not your fault but I'm working almost non-stop for 4 days on this. And it was running.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 14:42

I also cannot confirm the bunny glitch.
Could you maybe take a fresh Rom and patch v6 (sorry forgot to post the link in my previous post ^^)

I Need a break!!

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Puzzledude Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 14:44

edit: I see what the issue is with the bunny.
Guys I'm getting really nerved here. Not your fault but I'm working almost non-stop for 4 days on this. And it was running.
Yes, take a break, Conn. I think the code is in a great state, just needs some final fixes, which can be done in due time.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 14:45

Perfection is always a frustrating thing to chase after, Conn. Nobody is anything less than awed at your rapid progress. It just so happens that you fixed one big thing, but that caused some little things to pop up out of the woodwork.

It's not actually the bunny itself. It's just music not being loaded after a warp. I've determined that it's probably related to the .spc fallback method - when .spc is used for the soundtrack, it seems to prevent .pcm audio from being loaded after it unless a 'Room transition' occurs. I was excluding track 08 (warp sound), because I preferred the sound of the .spc warp. However, when I used the same sound, but in .pcm format, the track played just fine. This indicates the the fallback method needs tweaking.

Speaking of which, the fix isn't effective. The title music still plays. Sorry, Conn.

But take a break, Conn. Go outside, go swimming, biking, whatever. Do what you need to do - we don't own your time, we're just grateful that you share it with us.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:28

I start to think that my SNES is the problem. SNES Jr. == 1 Chip SNES. I had some nice bugs in ikari's new firmware with the reset key combo things. Timing maybe?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:32

I have more than fifteen SNES consoles (I know, it's an obsession). My main console is a SNES Mini, but I have everything from GPM models to APUs to two of the three known 1CHIP models (I have yet to find a 1CHIP-03). I've tested this on several different motherboard revisions, and they all perform pretty similarly.

Although, I do have one with a TOSLINK optical out, and that is CRAZY beautiful to hear.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:39

They behave similar, but not identical. Ask ikari, he can tell you of our nice try and error session.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:42

It's not a full soundtrack, just the tracks that matched up out of the ALBW soundtrack.

Tracks 18 and 24 are the same file, as per this track list, but neither seems to play, so I guess it's a different track than I think it is.  Can anybody tell me what track number plays when you enter the cave in north-west Kakariko Village, or when you fall into the hole outside Hyrule Castle at the very beginning of the game (where you find your uncle)?

Last edited by qwertymodo on Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 17:30; edited 2 times in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:46

At the very beginning of the game, the hole outside of Hyrule Castle is supposed to 'continue' (ie, not restart) the "Rain Scene" track, which is Track 03. The cave (like all non-fairy-inhabited caves) plays Track 24 (which is a duplicate of Track 18, or vice-versa).

I'll take a look at your files and see what's what.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:48

Ok, thanks.  I guess when I was referring to the hole outside the castle, I was thinking of revisiting it after the rain had stopped, at which point it plays the normal "cave" music.

Oops, found the issue. Track 18 got renamed with "- Copy" appended to the end when I made the copy for track 24, which I didn't notice because my file browser window columns were too narrow. It works now Embarassed

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 16:59

Dont you already use many of these TheRetromancer? ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 17:09

I use a few, notably the 'Minigame' and 'Death Mountain/Skull Woods', but mostly I use ZREO stuff, with one or two tracks from Koji Kondo's BS Zelda orchestration. I also pull a few Ocarina of Time files, also ZREO'd.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 17:26

ok try this

Can you confirm the blind bug by emuandco (maybe you have a save left to briefly test)?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 18:24

Blind music error confirmed. Everything else I've encountered is fixed so far.

.spc fallback works without issue now. By the way, Conn? That Pegasus upgrade patch you ripped from AST? I love it. I will never play without it. EVER.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 19:15

Great, finally this shitty spc Thing fixed! ^^'' I also have commiseration with you having to playtest it all over again.

Well, the blind bug should affect all bosses. First theme hex13 (aquired medal) is played then hex1a (sage in Crystal). dec I think 19 and 26.

The Problem why you hear only hex13 is that there is a delay code to have it played until the end, before 1a is played

$08/C606 AD 40 21 LDA $2140 [$08:2140]
$08/C609 D0 08
;code says when Music Register 2140 is 00, Play next song

I think I Need to use an artificial delay here, like Setting a free ram to a value which is decreased at each cycle to a free ram. Easily doable, but not today anymore.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 19:19

*blinks* Wait, so apparently it's a bad thing to have to play the game start-to-finish over and over? Huh. News to me.

Seriously, I'm having a blast. I've actually started seeing how fast I can beat each dungeon (DW Dungeon 3? Four minutes fifty one seconds, start-to-finish), and minimizing which rooms I enter. It's like I'm practicing speedruns.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 8 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Thu 23 Oct 2014 - 19:50

TheRetromancer wrote:*blinks*  Wait, so apparently it's a bad thing to have to play the game start-to-finish over and over?  Huh.  News to me.

Seriously, I'm having a blast.  I've actually started seeing how fast I can beat each dungeon (DW Dungeon 3?  Four minutes fifty one seconds, start-to-finish), and minimizing which rooms I enter.  It's like I'm practicing speedruns.

I agree, and this is a great excuse to break out my USB-converted SNES controller Very Happy

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