enemy sprite data
Zeldix :: Zelda III Hacking :: Requests
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enemy sprite data
how difficult is it to change the sprite data of an enemy? are their stats hardcoded?
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: enemy sprite data
Not really hardcoded, just coded.
You are actually going to need the disassembly by Math On Napkins for this:
And he already disassembled all sprites too, smart guy, isn't he. Here's the code/ASM for Beamos sprite for instance:
You are actually going to need the disassembly by Math On Napkins for this:
And he already disassembled all sprites too, smart guy, isn't he. Here's the code/ASM for Beamos sprite for instance:
- Code:
; ==============================================================================
; Code for handling a statue sentry.
; Usually/always zero? Can’t tell
LDA $0DB0, X : BEQ .is_beamos_station
CMP.b #$01 : BNE .is_collided_laser_sprite
JMP Sprite_BeamosLaser
JMP Sprite_BeamosLaserHit
JSR Beamos_Draw
JSR Sprite2_CheckIfActive
JSR Sprite2_CheckTileCollision
JSL Sprite_CheckDamageToPlayerLong
; Is the eyeball revolving?
; (I.e. the sentry is in the ground state.)
LDA $0D80, X : BEQ .search_state
; Is the statue sentry in fire mode?
CMP.b #$03 : BNE .delta ; Nope, either in mode 1,2, or 4
; Load the inactivity timer, has it expired? (We’re in firing mode btw)
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .epsilon ; No, the timer is still going.
INC $0D80, X ; basically, go to mode 4.
LDA.b #$50 : STA $0DF0, X ; Wait #$50 frames or so to start up again.
JSL Sprite_LoadPalette
.epsilon ; Timer is still going, and we’re in firing mode.
CMP.b #$0F : BNE .dont_fire_beam
; Fire za laser! (Comment kept because I like it. Shut up!)
JSR Beamos_FireBeam
; Change the palette to the next in the cycle
LSR A : AND.b #$0E : EOR $0F50, X : STA $0F50, X
; Waiting for the timer to reset after a shot was fired.
; Has the timer for the blaster counted down yet?
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .theta ; No the timer is still going.
; If so, put the Statue Sentry back in ground state so it can start moving again. (moving its eyeball anyways)
STZ $0D80, X
; The ground state where the Sentry is still searching for you.
; X denotes which enemy in the list it is. Generally 0x0 - 0xF
; This code helps us decide whether or not to make the eyeball rotate this frame
TXA : EOR $1A : AND.b #$03 : BNE .no_rotation_this_frame
; What angular state are we rotated to (0x00 - 0x3F)?
LDA $0DE0, X : STA $0F
JSR Sprite_SpawnProbeAlways
INC $0DE0, X ; Increment the Statue sentry’s rotation.
; If the rotation exceeds step 0x3F, set it back to zero.
LDA $0DE0, X : AND.b #$3F : STA $0DE0, X
; ==============================================================================
; *$28FC2-$29061 LOCAL
LDA $0B6A : CMP.b #$04 : BCS Sprite_Beamos_easy_out
LDA.b #$61 : JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BMI Sprite_Beamos_easy_out
LDA.b #$19 : JSL Sound_SetSfx3PanLong
LDX.b #$00
LDA $0FA8 : BPL .positive_x
ADD $00 : STA $0D10, Y
TXA : ADC $01 : STA $0D30, Y
LDX.b #$00
LDA $0FA9 : BPL .positive_y
ADD $02 : STA $0D00, Y
TXA : ADC $03 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA.b #$20
JSL Sprite_ApplySpeedTowardsPlayerLong
LDA.b #$3F : STA $0E40, Y
LDA.b #$54 : STA $0F60, Y
LDA.b #$01 : STA $0DB0, Y
LDA.b #$48 : STA $0CAA, Y
; The palette for the laser beam
LDA.b #$03 : STA $0F50, Y
LDA.b #$04 : STA $0CD2, Y
LDA.b #$0C : STA $0E00, Y
LDA $0B6A : STA $0DC0, Y
LDA.b #$1F : STA $00
LDX $0DC0, Y : ADD Sprite_BeamosLaser.slots, X : TAX
LDA $0D10, Y : STA $7FFD80, X
LDA $0D30, Y : STA $7FFE00, X
LDA $0D00, Y : STA $7FFE80, X
LDA $0D20, Y : STA $7FFF00, X
DEC $00 : BPL .init_subsprite_positions
; ==============================================================================
; $29062-$29067 DATA
pool Beamos_Draw:
dw -16, 0
db $48, $68
; ==============================================================================
; *$29068-$290D0 LOCAL
JSR Sprite2_PrepOamCoord
LDY.b #$00
; The step for the Statue Sentry’s eyeball (rotation state thereof)
; Is it at the far right? (rotation ranges from 0x00 to 0x3F)
; Nope, it’s farther around (counter clockwise)
LDA $0DE0, X : CMP.b #$20 : BCS .in_upper_quadrants
; In this case the eyeball appears on top of the statue.
LDA.b #$0C : JSL OAM_AllocateFromRegionB
LDY.b #$04 : BRA .oam_has_been_allocated
; Since the eyeball is further around, you have to flip the sprite display priorities.
LDA.b #$0C : JSL OAM_AllocateFromRegionC
LDY.b #$00
; Here x is the loop counter. Gonna draw the basic green portion of
; the Beamos.
LDX.b #$01
; Save the loop counter.
REP #$20
; (X = 0 OR 2), hence A = -16 OR 0
LDA $00 : STA ($90), Y
AND.w #$0100 : STA $0E
LDA $02 : ADD .y_offsets, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
ADD.w #$0010 : CMP.w #$0100 : SEP #$20 : BCC .on_screen_y
LDA.b #$F0 : STA ($90), Y
LDA .chr, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA $05 : INY : STA ($90), Y
PHY : TYA : LSR #2 : TAY
LDA.b #$02 : ORA $0F : STA ($92), Y
DEX : BPL .next_subsprite
JSR Beamos_DrawEyeball
; ==============================================================================
; $290D1-$29150 DATA
pool Beamos_DrawEyeBall:
db -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
db 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
db 17, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8
db 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -2
db 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15
db 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 11
db 10, 9, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6
db 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10
db $5B, $5B, $5A, $5A, $4B, $4B, $4A, $4A
db $4A, $4A, $4B, $4B, $5A, $5A, $5B, $5B
db $5B, $5B, $4C, $4C, $4C, $4C, $4C, $4C
db $5B, $5B, $4C, $4C, $4C, $4C, $4C, $4C
db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
db $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $40
db $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $40
db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
; ==============================================================================
; *$29151-$291B0 LOCAL
LDY.b #$08
; What part of the sentry’s rotation are we in?
; Is is >= 0x20?
LDA $0DE0, X : CMP.b #$20 : BCS .in_upper_quadrants
; If not, zero out y.
LDY.b #$00
; Store the sprite’s index at $0e
STX $0E : STZ $0F
; Divide the rotation counter in half store it at $06
LSR A : STA $06
; Load the eyeball’s relative x position
LDA .x_offsets, X : SUB.b #$03 : STA $0FA8
ADD $00 : STA ($90), Y
; Load the eyeball’s relative y position
; $29111, X THAT IS. Tells us which eyeball graphic to use.
; $29131, X THAT IS. Tells us which way to flip the eyeball.
LDA .y_offsets, X : SUB.b #$12 : STA $0FA9
ADD $02 : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA .chr, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA $05 : AND.b #$31 : ORA .hflip, X : ORA.b #$0A : INY : STA ($90), Y
REP #$20
LDA $0E : ADD $90 : STA $90
LDA $0E : LSR #2 : ADD $92 : STA $92
SEP #$20
; Indicates we'll be drawing 1 sprite and force it to be a small sprite.
LDY.b #$00 : TYA
JSL Sprite_CorrectOamEntriesLong
; ==============================================================================
; $291B1-$291B4 DATA
pool Sprite_BeamosLaser:
; This segregates the space we're using for subsprites into 4 different
; regions in case we have more than one Beamos in play at a time.
; This also limits us to four beamos, though.
db $00, $20, $40, $60
; ==============================================================================
; *$291B5-$29256 LOCAL
LDA $0E00, X : BNE .wait
JSR BeamosLaser_Draw
LDA $0DD0, X : BNE .still_active
JSR Sprite2_CheckIfActive
LDY.b #$03
LDA $0D10, X : PHA
LDA $0D30, X : PHA
LDA $0D00, X : PHA
LDA $0D20, X : PHA
LDA $0E80, X : AND.b #$1F : LDY $0DC0, X : ADD .slots, Y : TAX
; Essentially, all this is to transfer the sprite's current coordinates
; to each subsprite's coordinates.
PLA : STA $7FFF00, X
PLA : STA $7FFE80, X
PLA : STA $7FFE00, X
PLA : STA $7FFD80, X
INC $0E80, X
; Since we are moving the main sprite 4 times per frame, this
; is what gives the laser its staggered look, as the updated coordinate
; is then used for each of the subsprites in sequence, in effect
; acting much like the vapor trail of an airplane, being the exhaust
; left behind.
JSR Sprite2_Move
PLY : DEY : BPL .move_next_subsprite
LDA $0DF0, X : BEQ .capable_of_damage_now
DEC A : BNE .wait
STZ $0DD0, X
; Make a slot available since the beam has been destroyed.
JSL Sprite_CheckDamageToPlayerSameLayerLong : BCS .player_collision
JSR Sprite2_CheckTileCollision : BEQ .no_collision
LDA.b #$26 : JSL Sound_SetSfx3PanLong
LDA.b #$10 : STA $0DF0, X
JSR Sprite2_ZeroVelocity
LDA.b #$61
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically : BMI .spawn_failed
JSL Sprite_SetSpawnedCoords
; Set the timer at #$10.
LDA.b #$10 : STA $0DF0, Y
LDA.b #$03 : STA $0E40, Y
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0DB0, Y
LDA.b #$40 : STA $0E60, Y
LDA.b #$80 : STA $0D20, Y
; ==============================================================================
; *$29257-$2925A LOCAL
; This routine is a waste...
; Why not just call the routine directly?
; Maybe some code got commented out of here in development
JSR Sprite2_PrepOamCoord
; ==============================================================================
; *$2925B-$292C5 LOCAL
JSR BeamosLaser_PrepOamCoord
LDA.b #$1F : STA $0D
LDY $0DC0, X : ADD Sprite_BeamosLaser_slots, Y : TAX
LDY.b #$00
LDA $7FFD80, X : STA $00
LDA $7FFE00, X : STA $01
LDA $7FFE80, X : STA $02
LDA $7FFF00, X : STA $03
REP #$20
LDA $00 : SUB $E2 : STA ($90), Y : AND.w #$0100 : STA $0E
LDA $02 : SUB $E8 : INY : STA ($90), Y
ADD.w $0010 : CMP.w #$0100 : SEP #$20 : BCC .on_screen
LDA.b #$F0 : STA ($90), Y
LDA.b #$5C : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA $05 : INY : STA ($90), Y
PHY : TYA : LSR #2 : TAY
LDA $0F : STA ($92), Y
DEC $0D : BPL .next_subsprite
; ==============================================================================
; $292C6-$292D9 DATA
pool Sprite_BeamosLaserHit:
db -4, -1, 4, 0
db -4, -1, 4, 0
db -4, -1, -4, -1
db 4, 0, 4, 0
db $06, $46, $86, $C6
; ==============================================================================
; *$292DA-$29332 LOCAL
; Load the inactivity timer.
; The timer is still counting down.
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .countingDown
; Terminate the hit sprite, as its time has expired.
STZ $0DD0, X
JSR Sprite2_PrepOamCoord
LDX.b #$03
REP #$20
LDA $00 : ADD .x_offsets, X : STA ($90), Y
: AND.w #$0100 : STA $0E
LDA $02 : ADD .y_offsets, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
ADD.w #$0010 : CMP.w #$0100 : SEP #$20 : BCC .on_screen
LDA.b #$F0 : STA ($90), Y
LDA.b #$D6 : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA $05 : AND.b #$30 : ORA .properties, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
PHY : TYA : LSR #2 : TAY
LDA $0F : STA ($92), Y
DEX : BPL .next_subsprite
alternate MurpaLurp:
; ==============================================================================
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
Re: enemy sprite data
so I can't use a simple hex editor to change beamos's properties?
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: enemy sprite data
so I can't use a simple hex editor to change beamos's properties?
This can be done in a hex editor. You just have to know your ASM and how it translates to hex. Some people prefer to work in the format above but I know at least one person (Dr. Floppy) who seems to prefer doing it in hex.
SunGodPortal- Since : 2015-01-26
Re: enemy sprite data
does anyone know where the enemy sprite are located?
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: enemy sprite data
I would assume that it would be in the same area of the ROM as this Beamos code. The information you are looking for should be in the disassembly, but looking through that much info is a bit overwhelming. Good luck.
SunGodPortal- Since : 2015-01-26
Re: enemy sprite data
one thing I would want to edit is kill beamos with an arrow or blast it with a bomb. chain chomps I would also want to kill. the deadrocks in rock form should be vulnerable to bombs and the hammer while slowing down their movement and the falling rocks.
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: enemy sprite data
Maybe you didn't see that.wizrobemaster wrote:does anyone know where the enemy sprite are located?
; *$28FC2-$29061 LOCAL
; $29062-$29067 DATA
pool Beamos_Draw:
As you can see, not only that each sprite has its own code on its own location. You even have multiple codes for one sprite. So the question "where the enemy sprites are" is kind of strange. The answer is "all over the place". Beamos code for its main body only for instance is from 28F54-28FC1 etc.
This would be possible, if we were a company, which makes video games. Unfortunately we are not. Wishes are one thing, but doing all the above would require some prodigy ASM, pretty much similar to the Morning Star code. I would say 1000 lines of code at least for all the above, and I don't think any of the ASM people here is willing to work onthis, and the result would be to simply be able to defeat an enemy; while there's no guarantee, that any of the projects will even use this code. Not to mention all the debugging, since the code that big will surely have bugs.wizrobemaster wrote:one thing I would want to edit is kill beamos with an arrow or blast it with a bomb. chain chomps I would also want to kill. the deadrocks in rock form should be vulnerable to bombs and the hammer while slowing down their movement and the falling rocks.
I can only suggest that you change your wishes to something less big and doable, or learn ASM, since practically all your wishes are ASM related.
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
Re: enemy sprite data
Thanks Puzz I could not have written this better. Yes, asm-coders are no wishing wells and, as I also told SePH, after 4 years developing codes for this site, I wish to retire. You may notice this by that my post numbers significantly decreased.This would be possible, if we were a company, which makes video games. Unfortunately we are not. Wishes are one thing, but doing all the above would require some prodigy ASM, pretty much similar to the Morning Star code. I would say 1000 lines of code at least for all the above, and I don't think any of the ASM people here is willing to work onthis, and the result would be to simply be able to defeat an enemy; while there's no guarantee, that any of the projects will even use this code. Not to mention all the debugging, since the code that big will surely have bugs.
I can only suggest that you change your wishes to something less big and doable, or learn ASM, since practically all your wishes are ASM related.
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: enemy sprite data
puzzledude, the addresses you listed. are they for headered or unheadered roms?
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: enemy sprite data
Yes, as I understand you were already working on AST for a decade before. When I will reach a decade (not yet there) I will also surely retire from the craft and move on other projects.Thanks Puzz I could not have written this better. Yes, asm-coders are no wishing wells and, as I also told SePH, after 4 years developing codes for this site, I wish to retire. You may notice this by that my post numbers significantly decreased.
MoN's documents are entirely based on a non-headered rom.the addresses you listed. are they for headered or unheadered roms
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
Re: enemy sprite data
and I presume the movement of boulders are also in the same category? that one section in death mountain I find to be th worst offender as it is entirely luckbased when dodging deadrocks and rocks that fall in random directions.
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
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