[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Zumi Sun 29 Nov 2020 - 7:37

While working on Yellow from the other thread, thought I'd begin working on G/S Wink

Compared to the R/B/Y patches, this will be a lot cleaner and (I hope) can be easily ported to most language versions of G/S/C by simply changing an offsets file (Korean version will be skipped due to it being GBC-only):

  • English - Gold / Silver
  • French - Or / Argent
  • German - Goldene / Silberne
  • Italian - Oro / Argento
  • Japanese (v1.0, 1.1) - Kin / Gin
  • Spanish - Oro / Plata

Basic MSU1 support has been added at this point: https://youtu.be/ojN_bq8yMoI (the sgb garbage bootup has been fixed since)
The PCM pack follows the existing music ID list just to make things easier Smile
There's a spreadsheet linked below if you wanna comment on it

2020-11-29 notes:

MEGA folder (2020-12-06): https://mega.nz/folder/ZPZBjSiY#hjWGjGvfIT_mpY9LLCywhA
MEGA folder (all releases): https://mega.nz/folder/BfhRwCpJ#1YQBVZGnB49au8hBKFCQPw

MEGA folder (PCM Pack): https://mega.nz/folder/MKxUVRCJ#zFP2-qsNpkmSzyxUKexn9w

Source tree: https://github.com/ZoomTen/pokegold-msu1

PCM Sources Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13YP2H3uoZxcQNVf_x13Vb_AB17-szYJiIj_8I5I0mSI/edit?usp=sharing

JUD6MENT's PCM Sources Spreadsheet:

Known bugs:

  • After Oak speech, New Bark Town music fades out immediately after starting
  • (Increase the length of some cutscenes to fit the music? Or no?)

  • PCM pack is incomplete
  • PCM pack has bad loops
  • (May be more than one supported PCM pack?)

Last edited by Zumi on Tue 23 Mar 2021 - 3:15; edited 6 times in total


[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image111

Since : 2020-10-22

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Conn Sun 29 Nov 2020 - 9:44

That is awesome Very Happy
Out of interest, I see that this patch is 500 bytes while the R/B patch is 47 kb... so I wonder what else the R/B patch does to the rom?
In deeper interest I ask because, if you'd manage to reduce the Blue patch to the basics needed for msu1 (500 bytes like the gold/silver has), it should be quite easy to simply port it to the green patch (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/876/) which resembles the green out of the blue version.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Zumi Mon 30 Nov 2020 - 4:22

Conn wrote:That is awesome Very Happy
Out of interest, I see that this patch is 500 bytes while the R/B patch is 47 kb... so I wonder what else the R/B patch does to the rom?

Well... one, it hacks in a music ID system to make it easy to call both GB music and SGB music, two, it changes everything to use that system, and three, since it's based off a disassembly there's a lot of relocating and code rewriting - maybe I should have went with xdelta instead? Wink

As I explained in the other thread, R/B has a sort of a "manual" music system, where music is played by supplying a bank and a non-sequential ID, which is calculated by (I believe) dividing the offset of the music header by 3. For example, here's how the rival theme is played:

ld c, BANK(Music_MeetRival)
 call PlayMusic

Effectively, you have two parameters to play the music, one is the bank (stored in c, which I believe can either be $02, $08, $1F) and the other is the non-sequential ID (stored in a).
It doesn't help that there are also hardcoded routines which directly manipulate the audio RAM:

farcall Music_RivalAlternateStart
 ld c, BANK(Music_MeetRival)
 call PlayMusic
 ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
 ld de, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1a2
 call Audio1_OverwriteChannelPointer
 ld de, Music_MeetRival_branch_b21d
 call Audio1_OverwriteChannelPointer
 ld de, Music_MeetRival_branch_b2b5
 ld a, e
 ld [hli], a
 ld a, d
 ld [hli], a

What I've done in the R/B patch is build a routine which matches an ID with the correct parameters, and then calls PlayMusic, as well as handling the special cases as well - then make everything use that routine.

Now G/S on the other hand, is way cleaner and more predictable - you simply need to do:

 call PlayMusic

It has a central music pointer table, so the music can be in any bank. Very convenient in this case, as I can replace whatever is in PlayMusic and make it point to my custom routine, which is exactly what I did - and it'll make it work with like all of the manually called music.

Of course, I still have to deal with music that fades in, special cases etc. (that's handled inside the music update routine itself) But the majority of the music that's in G/S is handled with these standard routines I believe.

I'm not sure about rewriting the R/B patch to use this kinda system, how do you think I should deal with it, considering what I've just described? ^^;

Last edited by Zumi on Mon 30 Nov 2020 - 5:21; edited 1 time in total


[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image111

Since : 2020-10-22

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Pokemon G/S MSU1 (2020-11-30)

Post by Zumi Mon 30 Nov 2020 - 5:16

Pardon the double posting, wanted to separate the topic Smile

Support for map music has been added, music fade out, looping music, and some bug fixes ( curse you, SGB packet transmission interval Sad )

Still English only for now, I want to complete it first before I port it to the other language versions, including JP 1.0 and 1.1

Known bugs: After Oak's speech, the New Bark Town music fades out immediately

MEGA folder (2020-11-30): https://mega.nz/folder/EXZl3ACK#98esAr1eoIH2Tc1J0DFK-w
MEGA folder (all releases): https://mega.nz/folder/BfhRwCpJ#1YQBVZGnB49au8hBKFCQPw

MEGA folder (PCM Pack): https://mega.nz/folder/MKxUVRCJ#zFP2-qsNpkmSzyxUKexn9w

Source tree: https://github.com/ZoomTen/pokegold-msu1


[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image111

Since : 2020-10-22

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Conn Mon 30 Nov 2020 - 15:57

Sorry to spam your topic Embarassed
Well... one, it hacks in a music ID system to make it easy to call both GB music and SGB music, two, it changes everything to use that system, and three, since it's based off a disassembly there's a lot of relocating and code rewriting - maybe I should have went with xdelta instead?
Yes, I think this code-relocating makes the patch so big. I was a bit obsessed with the green version so I looked into it, checking if it could be done... but I think with the current code it is impossible for somebody like me who never dealt with pokemon at all. If there is a chance to compile a patch version with the music necessary stuff only, without code relocating - maybe then it is possible to port...
But one thing after the other, I am sure you are complete busy with Yellow/Silver/Gold Very Happy So, lets drop it for now and see how Y/S/G go Razz

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Fri 4 Dec 2020 - 10:26

I am going to be working on the silver and gold PCM sets starting today. I just finished my semester in school and got.free time again.

92 tracks! Wow, that is insane!

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Pokemon G/S MSU1 (2020-12-06, English)

Post by Zumi Sun 6 Dec 2020 - 11:48

  • Fixes the New Bark Town music fading out immediately on MSU1
  • Fixes some bug with the Mom music on GBC
  • Fix higher probability of game crash upon loading new map

MEGA folder (2020-12-06): https://mega.nz/folder/ZPZBjSiY#hjWGjGvfIT_mpY9LLCywhA
MEGA folder (all releases): https://mega.nz/folder/BfhRwCpJ#1YQBVZGnB49au8hBKFCQPw

Source tree: https://github.com/ZoomTen/pokegold-msu1


[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image111

Since : 2020-10-22

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Zumi Sun 6 Dec 2020 - 21:31

Brutapode89 wrote:Hi guys. When the PCM track list will be completed, can I make a PCM pack from Heart Gold & Soul Silver?

Please do Smile

I think that's about all of the tracks anyway, so you could just get started right away


[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image111

Since : 2020-10-22

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by FreezyPops Fri 11 Dec 2020 - 16:18

So uh...do I just use the .msu file from the Red version, or is there one specific for gold/silver? Asking cause I didn't see that in the megas. Cause I used the Red.msu the game played, tho when talking to the mom there is a VERY loud beep noise until you get through all her text


Since : 2020-12-03

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Relikk Fri 11 Dec 2020 - 16:55

FreezyPops wrote:So uh...do I just use the .msu file from the Red version, or is there one specific for gold/silver? Asking cause I didn't see that in the megas. Cause I used the Red.msu the game played, tho when talking to the mom there is a VERY loud beep noise until you get through all her text

You can use the same MSU file as long as there is no data contained within it, and in this case there shouldn't be. Just make sure the MSU file is renamed to the same name as the ROM/PCM's you're using it with.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by FreezyPops Fri 11 Dec 2020 - 20:25

Cool thanks. For the Heartgold PCM files, do I need to rename any of them or just put them in the folder as is?


Since : 2020-12-03

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Conn Sat 12 Dec 2020 - 3:55

The pcm set by brutapode isn't mapped to a name convention yet, e.g. pokegold-msu1-*.pcm. So at this time you cannot really play it, because you do not know which track maps to which theme number

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by Conn Sat 12 Dec 2020 - 16:45

Breakpoint $2004, write, hex number of theme is lowerr byte in A:

I'd recommend to make a map similar to this:
It helps also other users with their set and tell zumi which need to loop/not loop

Much luck Wink

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Fri 19 Feb 2021 - 12:58

Hey, just want to confirm i am still working on a pcm pack for this game and plan to do a full play through. It is just slow going for the huge size of the game and how much homework in school i got right now.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Tue 23 Feb 2021 - 1:59

Ok, I found all the music I want to use


92 tracks is a lot, and I dont settle for second best. I did a deep search for the best of every track, took a lot of time. I am going to start making PCM tracks and also do a full playthough.

Also, I do not want any help, I like doing the tracks myself. I am just showing I am making progress.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Thu 25 Feb 2021 - 10:13

I think i can do both finish the PCM tracks and do a full playthrough by March 14th for gold and silver. I got 32 out of 92 tracks done so far. A few more and i can make a preview video of everything up until the first gym badge.

I know it has been awhile since progress has been made on this game, but i hope there is still a rom hacker ready to help if i come across any bugs in the code during my playthrough. I am ready to finish this up soon.

One last thing, i see there is two emulators that can play this type of msu-1, does the rom hackers have a preference to which one i should play if i come across a bug? I just remember while doing mario rpg it helped conn when i switched emulators to one of the bsnes plus when i had a save state ready of a bug.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Thu 25 Feb 2021 - 22:41

This is my first play run. Found two bugs that you can see in the comment section. Both of these can be address at the beginning of the game so a save state is not needed to recreate them.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Fri 26 Feb 2021 - 0:12

Oh yeah, almost forgot, here are my PCM tracks so far


This is only a half album and I need to do some volume adjustments still on some of these tracks. However, these will help our progress when working through these bugs in the coding.

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Empty Re: [Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1

Post by JUD6MENT Sat 27 Feb 2021 - 1:11

Yeah? I wouldn't be able to do my preview video if they were not. Or am i miss understanding your question?

[Super Game Boy] Pokemon Gold & Silver MSU1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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