Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 10:50

Oh, I am really excited about all of this.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 11:14

PM, because there are ROMs inside. Yeah yeah, won't do it again. ^^ Wanted to be absolutely sure that your ROM is not the problem.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 11:16

I see your reasoning, though I'm a little leery about even sending ROMs through the PM system - personally, I would send an .ips file and an MD5 hash of the unpatched ROM for comparison.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 12:18

Seru said he will send me both to be sure ^^ But, yeah you are right. But anyways... We own these games anyway, all of them :-D

Btw, the soundtrack needs more base, because the SNES eats most of it in playback. Some sort of highpass filter in the hardware as it seems.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 13:46

emuandco wrote:Seru said he will send me both to be sure ^^ But, yeah you are right. But anyways... We own these games anyway, all of them :-D

Btw, the soundtrack needs more base, because the SNES eats most of it in playback. Some sort of highpass filter in the hardware as it seems.

I've gone through and adjusted the volume on the 'Rain Scene' file (which is now a part of my updated audio collection), but I'm not going to alter the EQ of any of the .pcm files.

For five years, I was an audio tech at Dragon Sound, and while I don't think I have golden ears, I'm pretty good, I think - and for me, the audio coming out of my SNES is excellent.

May I recommend pushing your audio signal through a stereo system with an EQ filter on it?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 14:58

Onkyo TX-SR508 + Teufel Concept G THX 7.1 system....
Nooope ^^
I realized it by making some... music videos ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 17:18

Thank you ikari, will check how I can adapt your code! Emuandco, I will look into your files but honestly I'm tending to want to retire right now as there are loads of things coming up and I do want to keep this as hobby, not lifetask.
- adapt and check ikari code
- fixing video

Also bszelda has now recreated a new song that needs to get spc
And bszelda msu. It's getting too much.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 19:57

Take your time. I waited more than a year now, that won't make any difference if it takes a bit longer ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 26 Oct 2014 - 21:56

Yeah, but I don't wanna wait another year.

Joking aside, Conn, you've already done so much for this project that I can safely say nobody can blame you if you wanted to leave it here. It's playable, it's stable, and it's awesome. Would I prefer it to be 100% perfect? Sure. But I'm not about to stamp my feet and whine about it.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 6:22

There are currently simply too many requests.

Here's the working (probably) Video patch:

If it works, please provide a file containing your Video and track 35.pcm Wink

Now I try to port Ikari's asm

Last edited by Conn on Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 6:58; edited 1 time in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 6:55

That was easy... and Looks good so far. I just can't test the spc-fall back since the error bit is only set on sd2snes:


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 7:28

Unfortunately, it doesn't work on real hardware.

The behaviour is extremely strange, but I'll try to explain it anyway.

The 'Triforce + Intro' song plays only the .spc version. Upon reaching the Game Select screen, no music is heard. Starting a new game with either the old or new Optional Video patches, though, does cause Track 35 to play properly.

Much of the game's music does not play - I was able to get the overworld .spc playing by warping from the DW to the LW, but entering another area would cause the audio to cut out again. The sole exception I was able to find was with the Flute.

I was only able to get .pcm playback during gameplay by using the Flute to warp to a location, which would cause the music to start playing, but if I had warped from the DW to the LW previously, the .spc version and the .pcm would play over each other...sometimes.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 7:34

ok, I'll check this - since bsnes has no bugs; I'll check the spc fall-back.

is the Video bug fixed?

Last edited by Conn on Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 7:37; edited 1 time in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 7:35

It appears to be - I've gone from several cold starts of the system, and I haven't had a playback failure once.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 7:37

Great! Can you provide an archieve with the video.msu and track35?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 7:50

I already have, but here's the link again.

EDIT:  Maybe ikari_01 can post his version of the patch, since his seems to be working flawlessly.  He said it was based off of v10.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 8:27


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 8:40

Sorry, Conn - there doesn't seem to be any change in functionality with the newest patch.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 9:08

well, ok, give this a shot

The Problem is that I cannot trace the error bit, as it isn't set in bsnes Debugger. Thus the complete spc fall-back Needs to be tested by guessing.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 9:15

Sorry, Conn - still no dice.

There is a slight change in behaviour, though - with the older patches, stepping into a warp (or using the mirror) would not cause the .spc to play (despite that I do not have a .pcm Track 08, as I prefer the original sound) under any circumstances.

However, in the new patch, warping after using the Flute causes, in my case, the audio to buzz exactly like it used to before the .spc fallback was implemented. Basically, it's trying to play a non-existent .pcm.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 9:21

I mixed cd 00 20 with 2c 00 20; so it made a cmp instead a bit.

On bsnes this has no effect but surely on sd2snes.


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 9:27

That's gorgeous! No flicker, at all! And the music plays perfectly, like it was there in the first place!

.spc fallback works perfectly, as well! Round of applause to you.

EDIT: Obviously, I'm going to start a whole new playthrough to thoroughly test this, but I think that it's safe to say that MSU Zelda can finally be laid to rest.

Last edited by TheRetromancer on Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 9:30; edited 1 time in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 9:29

Applause goes to Ikari this time Wink
I was only not being able to code accordingly to his Suggestion Razz

I'll let you Play a bit and as soon you give your ok for the new Video and this ikari patch, I'll update the main Folder.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 10:22

Right, then. I'm going to start a new game and see how it all goes.

Okay, I've been playing for about an hour, and I have just discovered the first (hopefully only) bug.  I just threw my boomerang into the Mysterious Pond, but when the Great Fairy appeared, all the music cut out.  I'll keep playing to see if I can discover anything else.

EDIT:  However, in that same place, I then threw in my shield, and the music began to play.  Might just be something very simple.  I'll try to throw the boomerang in again, and see if the music re-starts.

SECOND EDIT:  Alright, I have a handle on it - every odd-numbered time (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc) that you throw something in, the music cuts out, regardless of what item it is.  I tested this with several different items, both upgradeable and non, and it's definitely a math-based bug. Every EVEN-numbered time you throw something in, the music plays fine.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 12 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 11:50

that was a bit more difficult. But I hope I fixed it (also the 100 rupee fairy Needs to be checked).
Also noticed that Music doesn't get with the volume down when on map/entering a door with same overworld Music... should be fixed as well:


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