Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 8:12

Well, my stupid capture card doesn't work. That pisses me off something fierce. When it DOES record, it records exactly 9 seconds of blank video and then shuts off.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 12:42

As far as the not daring to tinker more goes, that's where having it in source code form comes in handy, redundant code tends to be more noticeable in that format. I'll probably send this to byuu once I'm done too, he's been talking about needing more examples available for anyone wanting to give it a try.  Maybe somebody will take another crack at that Chrono Trigger FMV patch...

Anyway, just to confirm, is the patch version that is considered "final" the one named ikari_v5.ips? That's the one I'm disassembling right now, so I'd like to be sure I have the right file.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 18:09

mh, better you download the link from the first post
only difference is that the fairy reappearing will reset the theme, but well.

When you're finsihed with disassembling you can Forward the code to me, I can comment it.

The final Version has one global code to run the msu1 procedure, nevertheless I made a hook whenever a new theme was loaded. Parts of this isn't necessary for example. Also you find a lot of ea opcodes (nop) where I tinkered.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 20:06

Ok, I didn't realize you were updating that link.  I'll grab that version and add that code as well. I'm up to $22EB90 with the disassembly, should be done soon if I get the time.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 0:26

Got my capture card working. Turns out, it only accepts 1080 Interlaced video, and since I always game at either 480p or 1080p, it was having problems.

I'll have video edited and uploaded sometime soon, and a link posted.

EDIT: I was having trouble with the 1080i video, but I finally figured out that the Sync from my X-RGB Mini Framemeister was the problem, so I turned the sync off, and now I can record 480p, 720p (preferred), and 1080p video just fine. My capture card had the worst instructions EVER.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 15:23

I'm about halfway done re-writing the disassembled code for bass, but there are a couple of sections that I'm having to make changes to accommodate for the fact that bass only supports branching up to 2 anonymous labels away, and so far I've found 2 places where it needs to branch 3 away, so I'm rearranging the code.  Can somebody take a look at these and confirm that the changes I've made are functionally equivalent to the original?  Right now, my goal is to change as little as possible, then I can tweak it and clean it up a bit once I have a fully functional baseline.

$22E990     AD3301      LDA $0133
$22E993     C9F4        CMP #$F4
$22E995     D001        BNE $E998
$22E997     60          RTS
$22E998     C9F1        CMP #$F1
$22E99A     D001        BNE $E99D
$22E99C     60          RTS
$22E99D     AD0220      LDA $2002
$22E9A0     C953        CMP #$53
$22E9A2     F001        BEQ $E9A5
$22E9A4     60          RTS
$22E9A5     A900        LDA #$00
$22E9A7     8F04E07E    STA $7EE004
$22E9AB     AD3301      LDA $0133
$22E9AE     8D3001      STA $0130
$22E9B1     CD2901      CMP $0129
$22E9B4     F029        BEQ $E9DF
$22E9B6     AD3301      LDA $0133
$22E9B9     D003        BNE $E9BE
$22E9BB     AD2C01      LDA $012C
$22E9BE     8D0420      STA $2004
$22E9C1     8D2901      STA $0129
$22E9C4     9C0520      STZ $2005
$22E9C7     9C2C01      STZ $012C
$22E9CA     A9FF        LDA #$FF
$22E9CC     8D0620      STA $2006
$22E9CF     A901        LDA #$01
$22E9D1     8D2701      STA $0127
$22E9D4     AD0020      LDA $2000
$22E9D7     8004        BRA $E9DD
$22E9D9     EA          NOP
$22E9DA     EA          NOP
$22E9DB     EA          NOP
$22E9DC     EA          NOP
$22E9DD     F001        BEQ $E9E0
$22E9DF     60          RTS
$22E9E0     A9F1        LDA #$F1
$22E9E2     8D4021      STA $2140
$22E9E5     8D3301      STA $0133
$22E9E8     60          RTS

$22E990     AD3301      LDA $0133
$22E993     C9F4        CMP #$F4
$22E995     D001        BNE $E998
$22E997     60          RTS
$22E998     C9F1        CMP #$F1
$22E99A     D001        BNE $E99D
$22E99C     60          RTS
$22E99D     AD0220      LDA $2002
$22E9A0     C953        CMP #$53
$22E9A2     F001        BEQ $E9A5
$22E9A4     60          RTS
$22E9A5     A900        LDA #$00
$22E9A7     8F04E07E    STA $7EE004
$22E9AB     AD3301      LDA $0133
$22E9AE     8D3001      STA $0130
$22E9B1     CD2901      CMP $0129
$22E9B4     F029        BEQ $E9DF
$22E9B6     AD3301      LDA $0133
$22E9B9     D003        BNE $E9BE
$22E9BB     AD2C01      LDA $012C
$22E9BE     8D0420      STA $2004
$22E9C1     8D2901      STA $0129
$22E9C4     9C0520      STZ $2005
$22E9C7     9C2C01      STZ $012C
$22E9CA     A9FF        LDA #$FF
$22E9CC     8D0620      STA $2006
$22E9CF     A901        LDA #$01
$22E9D1     8D2701      STA $0127
$22E9D4     AD0020      LDA $2000
$22E9D7     EA          NOP
$22E9D8     EA          NOP
$22E9D9     EA          NOP
$22E9DA     EA          NOP
$22E9DB     EA          NOP
$22E9DC     EA          NOP
$22E9DD     F001        BEQ $E9E0
$22E9DF     60          RTS
$22E9E0     A9F1        LDA #$F1
$22E9E2     8D4021      STA $2140
$22E9E5     8D3301      STA $0133
$22E9E8     60          RTS

At $22E9D7, the BRA just skips past a bunch of NOPs, so it's not necessary.  Replacing it with NOPs shouldn't have any effect.

$22EA80     C9FF        CMP #$FF
$22EA82     D001        BNE $EA85
$22EA84     6B          RTL
$22EA85     AA          TAX
$22EA86     AD0220      LDA $2002
$22EA89     C953        CMP #$53
$22EA8B     D019        BNE $EAA6
$22EA8D     A9FF        LDA #$FF
$22EA8F     8D0620      STA $2006
$22EA92     E0F2        CPX #$F2
$22EA94     F008        BEQ $EA9E
$22EA96     E0F3        CPX #$F3
$22EA98     F00B        BEQ $EAA5
$22EA9A     8A          TXA
$22EA9B     4CD0ED      JMP $EDD0
$22EA9E     A975        LDA #$75
$22EAA0     8D0620      STA $2006
$22EAA3     EA          NOP
$22EAA4     EA          NOP
$22EAA5     6B          RTL
$22EAA6     EA          NOP
$22EAA7     EA          NOP
$22EAA8     8E2C01      STX $012C
$22EAAB     6B          RTL

   cmp #$FF
    bne +
+;  tax
    lda $2002
    cmp #$53
    beq +
    stx $012C
+;  lda #$FF
    sta $2006
    cpx #$F2
    beq +
    cpx #$F3
    beq ++
    jmp $EDD0
+;  lda #$75
    sta $2006
+;  rtl

Sorry for the change in the formatting, I didn't feel like taking the time to reformat the changed code back to my original documentation formatting.  I just moved the code at $22EAA6 up to $22EA8D and shifted the rest of the code down, then switched the bne to beq.  This was to eliminate the number of branch targets I had to jump over to reach that code (so I didn't have to jump over $EA9E and $EAA5 to reach $EAA6).

So, to me, both of these should be functionally equivalent to the original, but can somebody confirm?  I have a fair amount of asm experience (mostly MIPS though, first time with the SNES), I just didn't get much sleep last night, so I'd appreciate if somebody could reassure me that I did that right.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 15:34


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 16:47

Here's my dis/reassembled patch with the changes I posted above.  It should be functionally identical to Conn's final patch currently in the OP.  If anyone could help me test it out to make sure nothing broke, I'd really appreciate it.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 16:49

qwertymodo wrote:Here's my dis/reassembled patch with the changes I posted above. It should be functionally identical to Conn's final patch currently in the OP. If anyone could help me test it out to make sure nothing broke, I'd really appreciate it.

No mediafire links, please. It's recommended to use DropBox.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 17:08

My DropBox account has gotten flagged too many times for sharing large files, so I don't like to use it for public sharing. Are there any other upload sites you prefer over MF?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 17:10


This is good for smaller files. Basically, the rules of the forum state that you can use whatever hosting service you want, provided they allow for direct linking, as ads are taboo here.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 20:31

Thanks a lot TR, I already updated the main post with your fantastic Video Wink

If you ever wish to improve it, it would be nice to Show how the Video starts when selecting a new Slot; also the Music Change could be addressed when entering a new area/cave whatever. But it's perfect as it is, so no Need to do that.

qwertymode, as far I understood your changes you just removed the bra $04; this has no effect at all. Those Nops are sometimes useful in case you Need to add more code.
The other change should work as well... it is for silencing the Music when entering a house/map

I will comment your code as best as possible. I write the comments with // right?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 21:31

Retromancer, thanks I'll keep that in mind. Conn, yes comments are // I won't need the NOPs to add code, since I'm using asm, I can just insert the code and re-assemble. But I do understand why you did it if you were working directly in hex.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 7:37

Nice video :-D
I used it to explain some DKC2 hackers what MSU-1 is ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 7:51

Thanks. I'm actually doing a short "Let's Play" of the MSU-1 Zelda. I'm editing the first video now.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 8:41

Your Video already had 3000 klicks in 1 day :p

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Puzzledude Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 8:57

Thumbs up for this video. Great work, since not only it informs the general public about the work done here, but also encourages others to make the MSU sound in other Snes games.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 9:13

Conn wrote:Your Video already had 3000 klicks in 1 day :p

wide-eyed shock Holy cats. I just got a DropBox "Too much bandwidth" notice, so I changed the video's DL links to MediaFire. The DropBox links will remain valid, but only for this thread.

Playthrough video 1 is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDOScAMWrrk

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 12:50

Haha, now you know why I don't use dropbox for public downloads Razz

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Ripthorn Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 13:25

Hey guys,

I do not know if anyone noticed, but track 6 (Introduction) starts a little late.
I edited the track and fixed the issue, loop was not added though, but I believe it is not necessary.


Since : 2014-11-02

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 14:54

Well, I found an excellent hard rock/metal version of ALL of Mega Man X's soundtrack. Now, if someone will just make an MSU-1 patch, we can really start turning things around...

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 15:50

@simbin, there are two dl links
- dropbox
A Link to the Past MSU Audio Complete:
MSU Opening Intro and Audio:

check the YouTube site
you will find mediafire links in the description

dunno, if TR updates his collection with your file; TR: if you do, let me know whether I shall replace the link or so.

Last edited by Conn on Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 15:52; edited 2 times in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 15:51

Not much I can do about it. The description in the YouTube video has links to the MediaFire-hosted files, but I can't post them here (MF has ads, and disallows direct linking, which is against the site rules).

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by simbin Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 15:55

Conn wrote:@simbin, there are two dl links
- dropbox
A Link to the Past MSU Audio Complete:
MSU Opening Intro and Audio:

check the YouTube site
you will find mediafire links in the description

dunno, if TR updates his collection with your file; TR: if you do, let me know whether I shall replace the link or so.

Many thanks.


Since : 2014-11-02

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 15 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Ripthorn Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 16:31

Mirrors, for those who need an alternate host.


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